Posting Reliable Content 101

The following post is a video dedicated to identifying “100 life saving health food tips” that the general person should know about. The video includes pictures of the food items and describes some of the benefits of each in the span of less than two minutes.

The creator of this video is identified with the title “favorites100com” and was found by searching food tips on Youtube. The user has a profile picture of a fish and has previous posts of various unrelated content. The actual identity of the person behind this account is unknown as the only picture is the profile picture of the fish, which indicates that the person does not want their identity exposed. The account doesn’t have any name of indications of the person’s name behind the account as the only identifier is the username which is “favorites100com.” The username seems to be a url, which when typed in leads to a website that doesn’t seem legitimate, but rather seems like a platform for ads and viruses.

Even though many of the tips and bulleted benefits of each food item are pretty accurate, the account in which the video is being provided on does make me question the sincerity/legitimacy of the content. Therefore, I acknowledge that when I post content on my site, it is beneficial for me to not only cite where I get my information from, but to also bring awareness to my audience of who I am. Allowing my audience to see my name and have access to a “Meet the Editor” page, can make my site more reliable and create a sense of belonging and accuracy to content that I provide for my audience.

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